How we've done things so far


All of our data comes through one channel, and that channel is secured with your priviate credentials. Nobody can get your information without your user and password, and all changes are audited so you can tell who changed what.


We test our entire application weekly to amke sure it's as fast and responsive as it can be, and because we're hosted in the cloud your access is 24/7/365.



When we say your data is yours, we mean it- integrate with our APIs free of charge, on any pricingGold tier, to extract your sales and payroll data and do whatever you wish with it.


We've survived multiple technology shifts and have learned from it- the parts of our application are developed independently of each other, so a change made necessary in one part won't cause problems in another.

What we're planning for the future

We just don't know when to quit


Pay those lazy employees

We're already tracking who's working when- being able to tell you how much everyody owes is the next step. Export your payroll information into csv format, importable into QuickBooks or any accounting software.

Insurance billing

The worst part of your job no longer

We're partnering with Eligible to bring you medical billing, automatically tying into all major insurance providers. Whatever your industry, we'll be able to help you track and file claims and get your money.

Messaging improvements

Never communicate face to face again

There are tons of chat and email tools available, and we intend to work as well as we can with all of them; you can send links via email, gchat, or whichever tool you use and they'll work. However, chat in the application is one of the most requested features. Soon you'll be able to get chat and email messages from other users directly in the application, and you'll be able to subscribe to them via text, email, or social media sites like twitter and facebook.

Job dependencies

Nobody sitting around anymore

Our clients often have complex requirements of their employees. For example, a contractor might have to be sure that a construction project is done before he sends the paint crew in, or a spa might have to wait for a client to get through with the hair dresser before getting a pedicure. We'll allow you to chain appointments together so that you'll know ahead of time whether you can deal with a customer or employee being half an hour late.

About GRS

GRS stands for Goat Rodeo Software. A Goat Rodeo is a technology term for a situation with all the risk and none of the reward. Trying to wrangle goats can be dangerous, but there was never an 80s action movie starring a guy who can throw a lasso around a billy. We try to avoid doing the things that aren't worth the effort, and it's served us well so far.

We're a small team of devolpers, business owners, and consultants who know how to make things easier on you. There are enough of us to do things the right way, but not so many that we run into politics. We listen to our customers' requests and fulfill the ones that make the product better- nobody gets hurt feelings when we change the way we do things, and we only make changes that don't comprimise our customers' data or experience.

Contact Us

We try to respond to emails within the next business hour.

Our current response time is about 20 minutes.
Expect a reply between 8am - 5pm Eastern Time Monday through Friday.

We get our best ideas from our customers. Please let us know if you have any comments, suggestions, or problems. We use your feedback to make our software better, and we make our customers happy in the process.

© 2024 Goat Rodeo Software, LLC
561 320 6389
Quality software that stands the test of time

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